The Development of ICT in Indonesia

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or in English known as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), is a large umbrella terminology that includes all technical equipment for processing and conveying information. ICT covers two aspects, namely information technology and communication technology. Information technology includes all matters relating to the process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management of information. While communication technology is everything related to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another. Therefore, information technology and communication technology are two inseparable concepts. So Information and Communication Technology contains a broad understanding that is all activities related to processing, manipulation, management, transfer of information between media.
The application of ICT / ICT has the advantage of the availability of information widely, quickly, and precisely, there is ease in the learning process and technological support to facilitate the teaching and learning process. The application of ICT / ICT also has a unique advantage that is not limited by place and time. The Government through the Ministry of National Education has also responded to the above conditions and the existence of this information era by formulating policies to improve access, efficiency, effectiveness and quality of education and management of education with the implementation of ICT.
One of the platforms that is considered the most important role in the world of information and communication technology in Indonesia today is the internet. In Indonesia, especially those in big cities, there are already many people who have internet access, so that the use of the internet as a medium of learning and information and knowledge search can be maximized even though internet access in Indonesia is not fully felt by everyone.
Information through the internet media, can be one of the keys to making the world of education in Indonesia have the same standards as other countries. By using internet media, the government and educational institutions have begun to apply learning patterns that are effective enough to be applied to people who have problems with distance and time to get information, especially information in the world of education. One method that has begun to be applied is distance learning. Distance learning method is an alternative method in equal distribution of opportunities in education. This system is expected to be able to overcome some of the problems caused by the limitations of qualified teaching staff. Distance learning method is very helpful for students or the public in learning things or new sciences with a view that is more interesting and easier to understand. In accessing and utilizing this method, the role of the internet is very necessary, because through the internet one can send files or upload files that you want to publish and through the internet also someone can access the files you want to find. In addition to distance learning methods, there are still many other methods that are very helpful in improving the quality of education in Indonesia, including the availability of free learning modules, online learning portals, and others.
If we look at other countries, the development of information and communication technology in Indonesia is quite behind. The role of the government is expected to increase the growth and development of information and communication technology in Indonesia. The government is expected to generalize the development of information technology in all regions of the country. The government is expected to be able to assist regions where the delivery of information processes is still minimal and not only focus on regions or big cities as is the case now, because in reality the role of regions in supporting the development of information technology and the development of education in Indonesia is very important .
The condition of the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Indonesia is still at stage 1 or lower level. It is hoped that this year, ICT Indonesia will be in stage 3. So that it can become an ICT-based society by 2025. In order for Indonesia's ICT level to rise to level 3, a number of ways that must be done according to Hidayat Tjokrodjojo are
1.       must be topped down or promoted
2.       the government and society must establish standards, adhere to work procedures with a structured system
3.       a review of the law on the development of counter-productive telematics
4.       research, trial & prototyping and innovative new developments and updates are needed the government must do promotion

B. Learning plan using Film
I will make a learning plan using an English film then students listen and understand the storyline of the film. then students retell what they understood from the film that was shown. the steps in this learning are as follows:
1. The teacher prepares the tools needed (projector, laptop and speaker)
2. Then the teacher explains what will be learned on that day.
3. The teacher shows the film
4. after the film is finished the teacher asks students understanding about the film
5. The teacher invites 2 students to retell the film.
This learning aims to make students able to practice their listening skills, speaking skills and public speaking.
